A VHA representative appeared before Community Development District 2 supervisors on Friday morning, calling for repairs to speed bumps on her street.
Village of Santiago resident Carol Speicher lives on Azteca Loop, which she said is a major cut-through for golf carts traveling to Savannah Center. She estimated there are 1,200 golf carts a day traveling down her street. She said most of them are exceeding the 10 miles per hour speed limit.
“Golf carts come zipping around, they go right behind me when I am backing up in my car, that’s pretty scary,” she said.
She contends the speed bumps are worn down from years of heavy traffic.
“It’s not much of a speed bump anymore,” Speicher said.
CDD 2 Chairman John Blum asked Sam Wartinbee of District Property Management to take a look at the speed bumps.