77.9 F
The Villages
Saturday, September 21, 2024

U.S. Senator from California to campaign with U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson

U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris

U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris is coming to Florida this weekend in support of her Senate colleague Bill Nelson.

Nelson and California’s junior senator will attend a private Sarasota fundraiser on Saturday, and on Sunday morning in Miami speak to churchgoers at four different congregations.

“Bill Nelson fights for all Floridians, no matter their race, religion or income,” Harris said. “And I am honored to join him in Florida so we can continue to protect voting rights and health care for millions of Americans, make college more affordable and ensure Americans can retire with dignity.”

Harris’ visit is the latest in a number of Florida stops that high-profile Democrats have made on behalf of Nelson’s re-election. Former Vice President Joe Biden and U.S. Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey were here campaigning with Nelson, who faces a tough challenge from Gov. Rick Scott.

Also joining Nelson and Harris on Sunday will be Sean Shaw, the Democratic candidate for attorney general and son of the late Florida Supreme Court Justice Leander Shaw, and state Rep. Kionne McGhee.

Bozo the Clown letter was completely unnecessary

A reader from the Village of Lake Denham contends the letter writer who claimed Republicans would support Bozo the Clown needs to get a life.

Maybe the problem is rude drivers in The Villages

An Ocala resident, in a Letter to the Editor, looks at the problems with parking and roundabouts and suggests that maybe it’s due to the Villagers who are at the wheel.

Villages-News.com needs to make an addition to comments section

A reader from the Village of Santiago would like to see an addition to the comments section in Villages-News.com.

Republicans would support Bozo the Clown

A Village of Palo Alto resident, in a Letter to the Editor, says he fears Republicans would vote for Bozo the Clown.

Where do we stop the special parking allowances?

A Village of Fernandina resident has noticed some of the “special” parking offered at local businesses and wonders where it will end.