The renovated Silver Lake Recreation Center is due to re-open in August.
A total of $562,100 is being spent renovating the facility on the Historic Side of The Villages.
The parking lot is scheduled to be resurfaced next week.
The update on Silver Lake was provided by District Manager Janet Tutt at Wednesday morning’s Amenity Authority Committee meeting.
Originally, Silver Lake was not going to have a wifi connection. However, after AAC member Jo Weber said she felt Silver Lake should have the connection, AAC members agreed. The cost of the wifi installation is $750 and the monthly fee is $212.
In addition, the $1.9 million makeover of Tierra Del Sol Recreation Center is on track for a reopening in March 2015.
The $2.15 million El Santiago Recreation Center project, which includes demolition of the old El Santiago Club restaurant and construction of a new facility at the site, is still in the design phase.