Lakeside Landings has been given the green light by the Wildwood Planning and Zoning Board to add 201 single family lots to its development.
Lakeside Landings, located on County Road 472 adjacent to the Village of Bridgeport at Miona Shores, began construction of its existing 425 planned units of Phase 1 in 2005. Now Phase II will include 1,600 to 2,500 square-foot homes and some five bedroom homes, a representative of Power Corporation, the owners of Lakeside Landings, told Special Magistrate Archie Lowry Jr. in a hearing Tuesday afternoon.
The Lakeside Landings representative said the company hopes to build 40 to 50 homes per year and start as soon as possible. He said “buildout” at Lakeside Landings could take place in four to five years.
Next, the full Wildwood Commission will decide if Lakeside Landings will win final approval for Phase II of the development.
Grand Oaks hopes to build 400 homes Â
In Tuesday’s hearing, approval was also granted for a 400 single-family planned development northeast of the intersection of CR 472 and the CSX Right of Way.
The planned 1,500 to 2,900 square-foot homes will all have two-car garages, a representative of Coast Development Corp. told the magistrate. The development will include a clubhouse, swimming pool and amenities.
The representative said Coast would like to begin building as soon as possible.
Final approval for the development will also go before the Wildwood Commission.
More traffic on County Road 472
These developments will almost certainly put more strain on CR 472 which runs from U.S. 301 to The Villages.
The narrow artery has already seen a significant buildup of traffic, Wildwood officials have conceded.
The Department of Transportation has thus far resisted putting a stoplight at the intersection of U.S. 301 and CR 472.
The fairly recent addition of a Kangaroo service station at the intersection has drawn in more traffic, officials said.