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Home Letters to the Editor Correcting information about golf cart path

Correcting information about golf cart path

Correcting information about golf cart path
The golf cart path ran through Duke Energy property which had been cleared and improved by volunteers from Stonecrest.

To the Editor:

Marion County would like to ensure correct identification of a topic in a letter to the editor on Oct. 23. The first sentence begins “The Marion County Parks and Recreation golf cart path…” incorrectly identifying Marion County Parks and Recreation as the owner of the golf cart path described in the statement.

The cart path was created by residents on property owned by Duke Energy without Duke’s permission. Discussions between Duke and the county resulted in a dedication from Duke “to the public,” which the county commission accepted on behalf of the public. Here’s an article in your issue from Dec. 25, 2017. And again referenced in your issue from Jan. 4, 2018. Per Florida Statutes, this type of dedication does not transfer ownership to the county, nor its Parks and Recreation Department.

The Dec. 19, 2017, county commission agenda, video and action summary can be found here. Here’s a summary of the agreement from agenda item 8A:

“…a “Dedication to the Public for Outdoor Recreational Purposes.” There is a Florida Statute that protects those who make such dedications from liability from those using the dedicated lands. Marion County’s role is simply to accept the Dedication, not to Marion County, but rather to “the public,” such that Marion County is assuming no liability or responsibility with respect to this path.”

Thanks for helping us provide correct information to your audience.

Stacie Causey
Public Information Specialist
Marion County