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The Villages
Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Tutors for Kids Inc. prepares for another busy school year

This coming September, Tutors for Kids Inc. will engage with schools in south Marion County, Wildwood, Sumter County, and Lake County to help students for the upcoming school year.

A tutor assists a child on a computer.
Tutor Bill Smith assists a child on a computer.

Newly added to the list of schools are Beverly Shores Elementary and Leesburg Elementary. Interested tutors are strongly encouraged to volunteer at these new schools for one on one tutoring with students.

Tutors for Kids founders Frank Russo and Carolyn Ruhe of Stonecrest are confident and excited for the foundation’s seventh year. Their organization will have over 300 tutors and reach out to 12 different schools this September.

“Well over half of the tutors are from The Villages,” said Russo. Tutors are frequently former teachers themselves, but all volunteers are still required to go through the organization’s tutor training program.

Tutors for Kids Inc. usually targets students in kindergarten to fifth  grade. However, Ruhe said she is optimistic that the program will now reach out to Wildwood Middle School students “for the first time this year.”

A tutor with Tutors for Kids Inc. assists a child with a lesson.
Tutor Linda Kafader with Tutors for Kids Inc. assists a child with a lesson.

Also new this year will be new training to adapt to the Common Core.

“We only do what teachers ask us to do,” says Ruhe, but the tutors will help students learn reading, math, sciences, and creative writing in different ways with supplies provided by teachers.

The notable book program will also be occurring this upcoming school year. Tutors reward children they are working one on one with by giving a new book. Twice a year, holiday season and at the end of school, every child receives a brand new book.

The foundation has handed out more than 30,000 brand new books to all the children they have helped through the book program.

Not only does the organization’s tutors aid children, but also act as positive role models in the children’s lives.

“We bring a consistent positive approach every week,” Ruhe said.

Children are encouraged to explore their creativity and aspire to achieve their dreams, while tutors instill confidence in the children to accomplish goals.

For more information, visit www.tutorsforkidsinc.org or contact Frank Russo and Carlyn Ruhe at [email protected]

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