The Florida Chamber of Commerce continues to be the unifying voice for business in Florida politics and is applauding the defeat of Amendment 3 – Adult Personal Use of Marijuana.
Despite nearly 150 million dollars spent on Amendment 3 by a single marijuana company to buy their way around the legislative process and into the constitution, Floridians weren’t fooled into importing the same problems seen in California, Colorado and elsewhere and instead voted to maintain Florida’s competitiveness and quality of life.
The Florida Chamber launched the employer-to-employee education website to help local businesses learn about the negative consequences of this misguided proposal and joined Governor DeSantis, First Lady Casey DeSantis, law enforcement leaders and local businesses across Florida for statewide webinars and roundtables to educate Florida voters.
The Florida Chamber has long opposed importing drugs into our constitution and special interest efforts to bypass the legislative process by abusing the ballot initiative process. The Florida Chamber will continue to work to protect our constitution and secure Florida’s future by aggressively opposing amendments that are wrong for Florida and have no place in Florida’s foundational document.