45.4 F
The Villages
Friday, January 3, 2025

Hunter’s moon over the Waterfront Inn at Lake Sumter Landing

Check out this shot of last night’s Hunter’s moon setting behind the Waterfront Inn at Lake Sumter Landing. Thanks to Ronnie Clark for sharing!

Hunter's moon over the Waterfront Inn at Lake Sumter Landing
Hunter’s moon over the Waterfront Inn at Lake Sumter Landing

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You are in a cult

A Village of Palo Alto resident cites the evidence and advises Trump followers, “You are in a cult.” Read his Letter to the Editor.

Where is the balance in news?

A Village of Summerhill resident is wondering what happened to the balance in news.

You have to be kidding about Trump’s ‘new personality’

A Village of Palo Alto resident, in a Letter to the Editor, doesn’t believe a fellow reader’s assertion that Donald Trump has morphed into a caring person.

Do a little research before you buy a home in The Villages

A Village of Glenbrook resident has some advice for those who buy homes in The Villages and then whine about not having a nearby grocery store or the noise from the Florida Turnpike.

We are not delusional for following Trump

In a Letter to the Editor, a Village of Richmond resident responds to those who call Trump followers “delusional.”