66.3 F
The Villages
Monday, December 30, 2024

Grateful for striping on multi-modal path

To the Editor:

As someone who uses a golf cart to travel from Tamarind Grove to Mulberry Rec Center on a weekly basis, coming home in the dark I find the reflectors and stripes in Community Development District 4 very helpful, especially on rainy nights.  Every time I go through that area I thank God for giving the CDD 4 board the strength and foresight to see the potential problem and take the initiative to fix it!

Virginia Jacobs
Village of Tamarind Grove


Golden Pen Award winner broached sensitive topic

This year’s Villages-News.com Golden Pen Award recipient is a letter writer who broached a sensitive subject.

We don’t need whiners in The Villages

A Village of Marsh Bend resident has no tolerance for snowbirds who come down and claim to not understand the rules. One of the rules is no whining.

Tough guy Trump can only beat women in elections

A Lady Lake reader wonders why Trump has only prevailed in presidential elections in which he has faced women.

Costco will only bring more traffic

A reader from Oxford fears that the planned Costco at Buffalo Ridge Plaza in The Villages will bring more traffic to an already overburdened County Road 466.

Can’t expect snowbirds and visitors to know golf cart parking rules

A renter who is wintering in The Villages says snowbirds and visitors cannot be expected to know all of the rules about golf cart parking in The Villages.