73.5 F
The Villages
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Never again!

To the Editor:

There is no choice between Harris and Trump.
Trump does not have any morals or values, he has created an America where people cannot talk to one another with any respect, including relatives. His felonies reinforce what type of leader he is interested in being. Only cares about the rich, himself and wants to lead like a dictator.
What about this idea we were better off four years ago? Not really, we had the worst epidemic in my lifetime, that he brushed under the carpet. Millions died thanks to his lack of leadership.
Last but not least, he has set this country back 50 years by taking away a women’s rights to choose. I pray his granddaughters never need a medical procedure to keep them alive or their children.
Never again can we give him the privilege of leading our great nation.

Joan Perinelli
Village of Belvedere


Who is Kamala Harris?

A Village of Moultrie Creek reader looks behind the soundbites and attempts to unmask the real Kamala Harris.

Trump deserves loony Loomer

Villager Ed McGinty contends the former President Trump deserves a loony person like Laura Loomer.

Kamala Harris wants to tax us out of our homes

A Village of Tamarind Grove resident warns that Kamala Harris wants to tax Americans out of their homes. Read his Letter to the Editor.

Trump dominates The Villages!

A Village of St. Charles resident, in a Letter to the Editor, calls on Democrats to face the fact that Trump dominates The Villages.

Abuse of handicapped parking in The Villages

In a Letter to the Editor, a Village of Country Club Hills resident points to abuses of handicapped parking.