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The Villages
Thursday, September 26, 2024

Trump needs to put on his big boy pants

To the Editor:

Children like to say, “I didn’t do it, he did.” Why is anyone blaming the Department of Justice for Trump’s indictments? He did it to himself. Put on your big boy pants and accept responsibility where responsibility lies.

Ruth Braithwaite-Graesser
Village of Bonita


Let’s make sure Trump wins in The Villages!

A Village of St. Johns resident says that Villagers can’t allow Blue Staters to cut into Trump’s support here in Florida’s Friendliest Hometown. Read his Letter to the Editor.

Who’s to blame for high food prices?

A Village of St. Charles resident offers some thoughts about the reasons for climbing food prices. Read her Letter to the Editor.

Hey Ken Sulko I have some information for you

A Village of Palo Alto resident has something to say to previous letter writer, Ken Sulko.

Use your vote to honor our country’s patriots

In a Letter to the Editor, a reader from Minnesota urges Americans to use their vote to honor our country’s past patriots.

Politician should stop trying to placate voters

A Sumter County resident has a message for outgoing Sumter County Commissioner Oren Miller. Read her Letter to the Editor.