77.5 F
The Villages
Saturday, September 28, 2024

New company wins contract for cleanup of algae and weeds at ponds in The Villages

A new company has won a contract for cleanup of algae and weeds at ponds in The Villages.

The Project Wide Advisory Committee on Monday agreed to award a contract for aquatic weed control to Solitude Lake Management LLC.

Clarke Aquatic Services administers an anti-algae treatment at a pond at Morse Boulevard and County Road 466A.

Solitude beat out current supplier of those services, Clarke Aquatic Management. Solitude submitted a unit price of $35 per month per acre, while Clarke submitted a price of $63.80 per month per acre.

Services include the chemical and herbicidal treatment of all ponds and retention areas to keep them clear of any exotic and/or nuisance species of aquatic submersed, floating and/or emergent plant, algae, weeds or any other type of unsightly and or nuisance vegetation based on a set application schedule as decided by District Property Management.

Golf courses need better maintenance

A Village of Orange Blossom Hills resident contends that golf courses in The Villages need better maintenance.

So now we won’t have gate attendants during overnight hours?

A Village of LaBelle resident objects to a plan to eliminate overnight gate attendants in The Villages.

You are supporting Satan’s agenda

In a Letter to the Editor, a Village of Hadley resident suggests that there are voters who are supporting Satan’s agenda.

Do you support Trump?

In a Letter to the Editor, a Village of Hadley resident wants Trump supporters to know what it is they are standing for.

Blatant misuse of Medicare communications

A Village of DeLuna resident cries foul and contends that government resources are being unfairly used to prop up the campaign of Kamala Harris.