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The Villages
Monday, July 8, 2024

Laurel Manor Recreation Center and Sports Pool to be closed

The Laurel Manor Recreation Center and Sports Pool will be temporarily closed for total facility cleaning and maintenance on Sunday, Aug. 30.

If you have any questions or need additional information, contact the Laurel Manor Recreation Center at 751-7110.

A message to the thief who stole my new putter

A Villager has a message for the thief who stole his new putter. Read his Letter to the Editor.

Trash left behind my renters in my neighborhood

A Village of Citrus Grove resident is sick and tired of the trash left behind at a rental unit in her neighborhood.

Veteran fears what Trump cult could do our nation

A Village of Woodbury resident, who served in the U.S. Navy, is fearful of what the cult of Trump could do to our country. He has written his first-ever Letter to the Editor.

Take lots of water and an umbrella to Shallow Creek

A Village of St. Charles resident, in a Letter to the Editor warns fellow golfers to take plenty of water and an umbrella to the new Shallow Creek Championship Golf Course.

Why do you think so many Villagers are working at Publix?

In a Letter to the Editor, a Village of Rio Grande resident contends that Villagers are forced to work at Publix and elsewhere “just to survive.”