58.1 F
The Villages
Thursday, January 2, 2025

Red-shouldered hawk hunting at Wilkerson Creek Park

This undeniably beautiful red-shouldered hawk used foliage and shadows as camouflage while hunting prey at Wilkerson Creek Park in The Villages. Thanks to Sam Boatman for sharing!

Red-shouldered hawk hunting at Wilkerson Creek Park
Red-shouldered hawk hunting at Wilkerson Creek Park

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You are in a cult

A Village of Palo Alto resident cites the evidence and advises Trump followers, “You are in a cult.” Read his Letter to the Editor.

Where is the balance in news?

A Village of Summerhill resident is wondering what happened to the balance in news.

You have to be kidding about Trump’s ‘new personality’

A Village of Palo Alto resident, in a Letter to the Editor, doesn’t believe a fellow reader’s assertion that Donald Trump has morphed into a caring person.

Do a little research before you buy a home in The Villages

A Village of Glenbrook resident has some advice for those who buy homes in The Villages and then whine about not having a nearby grocery store or the noise from the Florida Turnpike.

We are not delusional for following Trump

In a Letter to the Editor, a Village of Richmond resident responds to those who call Trump followers “delusional.”