Marsha Shearer obviously is a political activist with great knowledge of both Conservative and Left-wing ideologies. She is very supportive of the liberal progressive agenda that Joe Biden represents. She is just as terrified of the conservative ideology and platform as we conservatives are terrified of her and Biden’s extreme left-wing ideology and Democratic platform.
One point I would like to make is that the two ideologies, conservative and extreme left-wing, are diametric opposites and do not just differ by shades of gray. A second point is that all the accusations she and Democrats are making against Trump and his followers are a projection of what the Democrats have already done. i.e. They blame Republicans for the very things that they have done and are continuing to do. The third point is that since the positions are diametrically opposite, why not have an open debate to determine which is better for all Americans and expose the deception of one of the sides, rather than denigrating each other with pejoratives. Another point is that Marsha is worried about what might happen as a hypothetical situation. Conservatives are concerned about what has actually happened and what is happening.
The fact that the positions are complete opposites implies a causal agent behind the differences since random chance cannot explain it. When you understand that the conservative positions are completely in sync with biblical principles and the Democrat positions are completely in opposition to biblical values, it becomes obvious which one is good, broadly beneficial, just and which one is bad, selectively beneficial and unjust.
I believe the abortion issue is a good example to demonstrate the dichotomy. It is the most divisive issue and the clearest to identify who is pushing a selfish issue that has a horrific down side vs. promoting something that is beneficial to all and is biblical. First, abortion is very damaging to mothers that carry a heavy load of guilt their whole life. Secondly, it murders an unborn child. Thirdly, it gives an incentive to create babies out of wedlock, and therefore creating babies that are not normally wanted. Marsha goes completely against science and the bible when she denies that life starts at conception. Marsha and feminists insist we are limiting their freedom when we limit abortions. By doing that they are turning liberty into license. The bible explicitly pronounces a death sentence on a person that even accidently kills an unborn baby in the mother’s womb. See Exodus 21:22-23. How much more evil it is to murder them on purpose?
We all know that Trump is not perfect, but neither is anybody else! He has and will promote everything that is good for America. Marsha and today’s Democrats are pushing a globalist tyrannical ideology that will enslave Americans and ordinary people around the world rather than be their salvation. The bible teaches that unrighteous people suppress the truth, hate God, Christians, Jews and biblical values. It is my hope that Marsha and all biblical rebels everywhere will see the light and embrace truth rather than rebellion.
Bill Nitardy is a resident of the Village of Sunset Pointe.