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The Villages
Saturday, September 7, 2024

What does the country do now?

Dear Readers (Democrat, Republican and Independent alike) vote wisely in November and don’t be fooled by those spouting that the US is headed in the wrong direction with crime, the economy, foreign policy and open borders; that we are on the precipice of WWIII. Be honest with yourself and look at the real unbiased facts underlying these assertions and you will find they are nothing but scare tactics and not based in objective reality.

Don’t be fooled by those saying the current government is being weaponized against political foes just because they are being brought to justice for their past criminal or civil transgressions according to the rule of law.

Don’t be fooled by those that ripped a piece of Freedom from American Mothers to determine the course of their pregnancy, personal health and motherhood by overturning Roe v Wade, but are now cynically trying to appear to back track.

Don’t be fooled by the recent media frenzy about the current President’s competence and his bad debate night performance. Look at his record over his first term and his plans to lead Nation into the future. In this age of information, and all it encompasses, if the President was really unfit mentally to fulfill his duties there would no way to hide that fact.

Don’t be fooled by the slick carnival barker who is quick with slights and name calling, of his supposed enemies, yet they are American citizens exercising their First Amendment rights. It’s all just a big sh_t show; have you ever watched a complete video of one of his unhinged stump speeches and how unPresidential it is and how few attendees there are. His debate performance was a recycling of grievances and the same misstatement of facts over and over again.

Don’t be fooled by his future plans for America, which are disastrous in and of themselves; like tariffs on imports, deportation of all illegal immigrants but allowing those that can cage fight to stay, abandoning world democracy by abandoning NATO, not taxing tip income and other meaningless sound bits. But Do Take Seriously “Project 2025” And All The Totalitarian Implications It Implies, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 for a good discussion.

It seems the great principles of our Democratic nation are under assault from a minority of people who spread boldface lies for their own gain; and a minority of citizens ( fearful sheep that have a tendency to wander into danger ) that believe this propaganda to the whole county’s detriment.

We are lucky we live in a Democracy and that we can vote for our shepherd every four years, therefore vote wisely and for the Good Shepherd this time my friends, for the sake of our God Blessed Nation.

Carl Casale is a resident of the Village of Pine Hills.

Here’s my quandary when it comes to homeowner’s insurance

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Sports pools are being closed earlier and earlier

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Not all Republicans are joining the MAGA cult

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Dear Pro-Trump Voters

A Village of Chatham resident has a message for Pro-Trump voters. Read her Letter to the Editor.

Even our founding fathers were after power

A Village of Mallory Square resident says that politicians today and yesterday were all about acquiring power.