75.7 F
The Villages
Saturday, September 28, 2024

Grateful to write-in candidates

To the Editor:

In adherence with Florida Election Law, the Sumter County Republican Party is protecting the integrity of the Republican Primary Election by adopting the policy of facilitating “write in” candidates to lawfully preserve the right of Republicans to choose our Party’s nominee without interference.
Florida Election Law ensures that each party – Republican, Democrat, Green Party, etc – has the right to choose their own candidate. As a Republican Party, it is our duty to nominate and elect Republicans. If members of the Democrat Party wish to elect a Democrat, they should hold their own Primary and put forward their own candidates. We respect their right to nominate the Democrat candidate of their choosing.
Rather than put forth a Democrat candidate to present and debate their ideas, in recent years, the local Democrat Party has sought to crash our Party Primary. It’s sad that local Democrats would prefer to interfere in our Party Primary instead of holding their own.
As Sumter County Republicans, we work to protect and preserve freedom and prosperity for our Nation, State, and community. We welcome all citizens who wish to join our cause. We are grateful for those “write-in candidates” who are stepping forward in service of those conservative ideals.

Samantha Scott
Sumter County Republican Party chairman


Do you support Trump?

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Let’s make sure Trump wins in The Villages!

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Who’s to blame for high food prices?

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