Florida is just like any other state where unsafe and dangerous driving behaviors such as driving impaired, speeding, or not buckling your seatbelt can lead to serious consequences.
The Florida Highway Patrol reminds us that whether you are a visitor or a resident, it is crucial to remember that taking a few simple actions can make a huge difference and even save a life.
• DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE IS NEVER ACCEPTABLE. The risk of losing a life is not worth any excuse.
• IMPAIRMENT IS BLACK OR WHITE; you are either impaired or not. If you have consumed alcohol, drugs, or any mind-altering prescription drugs, you are impaired and should not be driving. Doing so puts yourself, your passengers, and others on the road at risk of injury or even death.
• SPEED is one of the most common traffic violations issued by law enforcement across the country. In Florida, the speed limit on any highway, interstate, or road is never more than 70 mph. Speeding is the cause of many accidents resulting in injury or death; it is reckless driving and endangers everyone.
• BUCKLE UP. Another fact is that if you are involved in a collision while unrestrained, you are more likely to be injured or killed. There is no reason not to buckle up; it is an easy step to ensure your safety.
• DRIVE IN THE “RIGHT” LANE. The left lane is for passing; unless doing so, you should stay in the right lane.