80.9 F
The Villages
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

We need a voice of authority out on the golf courses

To the Editor:

Closing and/rebuilding courses is only half the solution. The entire management structure has to be rebuilt as well. You can say what you want about all the other activities available in The Villages, the very existence of The Villages was advertised, promoted and expanded on the promise of golf. That promise has been broken, several times over.
It is very obvious that the golf management system has no idea what they are doing, nor do they care. Aside from changing their attitude, priorities must change. One area that severely must change is the golf “ranger/marshal” system. Notice I did not say “ambassador.” Golf rangers must be allowed to address the lack of repairing ball marks, divot repairing and sand raking, etc., WITHOUT fear of repercussions from management. It is obvious that, from lack of enforcement, many golfers are not voluntarily “taking care of their own property.”
Don’t forget, we all own these courses (except for the championship courses, of course). Let the ambassadors roam on the championship courses, and help sell homes. We need rangers doing what is necessary to maintain the property we all bought into. If someone doesn’t like being told what to do, then I say goodbye and good riddance, I don’t want you on my property destroying it.

Thomas Ochal
Village of Santo Domingo


Harris not capable of dealing with hostile world leaders

A Village of Osceola Hills resident worries that Kamala Harris is not capable of dealing with hostile world leaders.

Republican party will have to wash off stench of Trump

In a Letter to the Editor, a Village of Palo Alto resident contends it will take quite some time for the Republican party to wash off the stench of Trump.

Prosecutors will have chance to present damning evidence against Trump

Ed McGinty is happy that prosecutors will have chance this week to present damning evidence against Trump in federal court.

Pump problem forces closure of Chitty Chatty adult pool

A pump problem has forced the closure of the Chitty Chatty Recreation Center Adult Pool until further notice.

The Republicans already have a clown!

A Lady Lake reader wades into the back-and-forth about Bozo the Clown and says the GOP already has a clown running for president.