Much has been written about Trump in the pages of, but he still commands the hearts and minds of Republican voters.
But to vote for him means the following: supporting a legally declared rapist and who sexually assaulted a woman, costing him $5M; as of yesterday (Sept. 26), a person with his companies found to have committed years of fraud and thus in what he is worth; a person twice impeached; a person subject to 91 counts of crimes including wanting to overthrow our democracy and government, some of which will be adjudicated before the 2024 election; having to pay $25M for also defrauding those that signed up for Trump University; the list goes on.
And yet, millions of Americans, including a chunk in our own community, still want him to be their next president. All this reminds me of the long ago movie, “The Ten Commandments”, the one with Charlton Heston as Moses, Yul Brynner as the pharaoh, etc. There is a scene where, while Heston is away receiving the 10 Commandments on Mount Sinai, Edward G. Robinson’s character leads a band of disillusioned followers to build a golden calf and then they deliriously danced, pranced and worshipped around it. When Heston’s Moses returns, he throws the tablets at that false idol and destroys it. Kinda is a metaphor with what is going on now in our politics on the Republican side of the isle.
Miles Zaremski is a resident of the Village of Dunedin.