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The Villages
Sunday, September 22, 2024

We need to elect people who care about this country

To the Editor:

There’s an old expression, “When you’re up to your ass in alligators, it’s hard to remember your original plan was to drain the swamp.” While this might describe Donald Trump, he differs from others in that he is not swayed by all attempts, some real and some fabricated, to hang something or anything on him that will keep him from the presidency.
Trump is a unique individual. Flawed? Absolutely! However, his shortcomings are far less than his sanctimonious detractors, who are hell-bent on finding anything which might keep him from returning to the oval office. The hypocrisy of the left is blatant and stunning. There are many in our government frightened to death of him, and well they should be, because Trump has already demonstrated capability of “draining the swamp” and draining it needs! Current governmental corruption, much of it being ignored by a largely complicit media, is more rampant than has ever existed in my lifetime.
While I cringe at some of the things Trump does and says, I would suggest there may not be another person in the political world who could take the abuse (much of it undeserved) Trump has taken over the last six+ years and still arise each new day ready to take on unscrupulous, power-crazed, politicians. Anyone paying attention should recognize there are two systems of justice currently operating in this country. Further, the current administration has weaponized the very organizations supposed to provide equal justice in this country and, is using them against the people in many instances to intimidate and shut down dissent.
The odds of Trump getting a fair trial are not great given the number of groups, largely supported by the media, trying to destroy him. The Media Research Center recently studied the nightly newscasts on ABC, CBS and NBC and concluded that 89 percent of Trump coverage was negative since he took office in Jan. 20, 2017. Think about those odds when Trump’s major motivation to enter the political world was to “Make America Great Again”!
However, the quote from Abraham Lincoln, “You can fool some of the people all the time, and some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time” may explain why Trump’s poll numbers seem to increase with each indictment. More people are comparing this country’s standing in the world under the Trump administration with that of the current administration. Reasonable people who have been paying attention, saw all segments of our society thrive under Trump and have seen it decline “like a snowball rolling down hill headed for hell” since the current administration took office. We went from a country respected by world leaders under Trump, to being viewed as a paper tiger with our current leader.
The moral of this story? Elect people who care about this country and the people they will represent.

Austin Leahy
Village of East Hacienda


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