88.8 F
The Villages
Thursday, June 27, 2024

Problems with checking IDs at the pool

To the Editor:

I keep hearing from residents complaining about the pool and not checking IDs. These same people talk about showing up to the pool without them and being told to bring it the next time. Or they talk about people in the pool not being checked. Here is the issue, the same people who forgot their pass, would be complaining if they were made to leave because of it. Also the people who were in the water were made get out every time the staff came around to check would be upset. So what I ask of these people is, what is your solution? They seem to be just as much the problem.

Scott Sadler
Visitor at Mallory Square


U.S. Sen. Rick Scott is a hypocrite

A Village of Belle Aire resident is tired of boasting by U.S. Sen. Rick Scott about his protecting IVF.

We bought here because it was a retirement community

A Village of Pennecamp resident says she bought into a retirement community and the Developer needs to stand by his responsibility. Read her Letter to the Editor.

Hammock Oaks development touting access to golf courses in The Villages

A Village of Belle Aire resident would like to know why the Hammock Oaks development is touting access to golf courses in The Villages.

Biblical Justice

A Village of Pine Hills resident responds to a previous letter writer who delved into the controversial topics of CRT and DEI.

New roundabout on Rolling Acres Road is dangerous

A Lady Lake resident contends the new roundabout on Rolling Acres Road is dangerous. Read his Letter to the Editor.