To the Editor:
The information about the cost of protection was confusing because the proponents wanted it to be with calculations of land value, market value, tiered rates etc. The bottom line is the country decides the level of service it wants for its citizens and the cost is the cost. The method of funding is a set dollar value for each dwelling and the county funding the difference between fire tax receipts and cost with property taxes. Now the county wants to add costs with new services and employees, etc. To do that they plan to raise the fire tax and reduce property taxes so that they can say they lowered or maintained the tax rate and the “misinformed citizens” caused the fire rate increase. Do not be misled. The decision to keep the current system maintains the transparency of cost to homeowners. How much the overall cost is, does not change. How you pay for it always reverts to the homeowner and I would much rather see a funding process that can be understood. Want a lower fire rate? Don’t support a reduced property tax, and or question the need for “add on” services.
Charles Vaughan
Village of Sunset Pointe