I’m pleased to share that the Major Richard Star Act, advanced out of the House Armed Services Committee last week. I cosponsored this legislation earlier this year which would end the practice of requiring combat veterans who are medically retired before 20 years of service to choose between disability compensation or retirement benefits. Veterans who were medically retired due to injuries sustained in combat or combat-related training served our country and deserve to receive their full benefits. I look forward to this important legislation making its way to the House floor for a full vote soon.
If you are a veteran or know a veteran in need of assistance with a claim before the VA, help getting an appointment or getting VA payment for eligible equipment or device, please contact my Clermont office. I can often intervene on a person’s behalf to answer questions, find solutions, or simply attempt to cut through the red tape. Working with liaisons and County Veteran Service offices on veterans’ behalf, my office has gotten more than $10 million returned to veterans by the federal government in compensation, pension and other retroactive payments.
Congressman Daniel Webster represents The Villages in the U.S. House of Representatives.