Through June 4, state and local law enforcement agencies across the nation will work together to enforce seat belt laws. The national seat belt use rate in 2022 was 91.6 percent, which is good, but we can do better. The other 8.4 percent still need to be reminded that seat belts save lives. Many feel they don’t need to buckle up while in larger vehicles, in rural areas, or in the back seat.
- Regardless of vehicle type or size, statistics show that seat belt use is the single most effective way to stay alive in a crash.
- Too many people wrongly believe they are safe in the back seat unrestrained and again, statistics do not support that thinking.
- Rural versus urban locations: In 2021, nearly half of all vehicle fatalities occurred in rural areas.
- Always wear seat belts and make sure child car seats are properly installed.
And if you fail to buckle your seatbelt, you could face a $116 fine.