81.3 F
The Villages
Wednesday, September 25, 2024

We should always stand with our police officers

To the Editor:

This is Police Officers Memorial week and Peace Officers Memorial day was May 15.
If there is one group of patriots that I have learned to respect and trust it is the law enforcement profession. I have the privilege of working with many of them that suffer from PTSD in their line of work. Their rate of pay is infinitesimally small compared to the risks they have to endure. They generally work rotating shifts, 12 hours on and 12 hours off, that switch every couple of weeks massively interrupting their family life and sleep habits. In addition, they get yelled at, spit on, physically and verbally assaulted, shot at and they run toward trouble instead of running away (which is our primary impulse). These are brave men and women who get very little recognition. The news media regularly vilifies them and supports defunding their departments making it ever more stressful to them to do their job. Bravo for you!

Michael Murrell
Village of Marsh Bend


Will the Trump con ever stop?

Former President Trump is reportedly hawking a coin worth $31 for $100. A reader wonders if the con game will ever stop.

Harris not capable of dealing with hostile world leaders

A Village of Osceola Hills resident worries that Kamala Harris is not capable of dealing with hostile world leaders.

Republican party will have to wash off stench of Trump

In a Letter to the Editor, a Village of Palo Alto resident contends it will take quite some time for the Republican party to wash off the stench of Trump.

Prosecutors will have chance to present damning evidence against Trump

Ed McGinty is happy that prosecutors will have chance this week to present damning evidence against Trump in federal court.

Pump problem forces closure of Chitty Chatty adult pool

A pump problem has forced the closure of the Chitty Chatty Recreation Center Adult Pool until further notice.