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The Villages
Friday, June 28, 2024

President Biden wants to ‘end fossil fuel’

John Shewchuk

The EPA legalized the war on CO2 and fossil fuels in 2009 with its infamous Endangerment Finding. This finding gives our government the legal basis to shut down the fossil fuel industry.  This is why Joe Biden boldly said during a campaign stop … “I guarantee you that I will end fossil fuel.”  The Endangerment Finding is being implemented via Green New Deal policies.

The EPA finding demonized CO2 and fossil fuels in two ways. 

1.  Out of thin air, the EPA declared CO2 and other greenhouse gases are pollutants, even though CO2 is the breath of life for all life on earth — on land and in the seas.  Amazingly, the EPA forgot to include water vapor as a pollutant, even though its greenhouse gas effect is up to 10 times stronger than CO2.

2.  Using junk science, the EPA declared that CO2 is making the climate more extreme and dangerous, even though its own government data clearly shows this is not true. Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and droughts were much worse in the past — when CO2 levels were much less.  In reality, CO2 is enhancing our environment as it is greening the earth faster than we ever thought possible — which actually contributes to global cooling.

Incredibly, two years after the EPA created the Endangerment Finding, its own Inspector General (IG) discovered that the EPA broke two if its own internal laws during the creation of its finding.  The IG report is public, and yet our government turns a blind eye and continues to refuse appeal after appeal to examine the data and its broken laws.  A new appeal to rescind the finding was submitted last month to the DC Circuit.  This and much more will be reviewed on Nov. 17 at 1:30 p.m. at the Laurel Manor during a talk called “The Dangerous Endangerment Finding.”

Villager John Shewchuk is a frequent contributor to Villages-News.com

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