88.2 F
The Villages
Thursday, June 27, 2024

POA Bulletin had inaccurate information about independent fire district referendum

An article in the October issue of the POA Bulletin contains an inaccurate analysis of the independent fire district referendum, in my opinion.

The POA article shows a lack of research and lack of due diligence.

On Page 1, bullet point #1: The article states: “The special fire district has nothing to do with ambulance services.”

On October 1, the VPSD placed nine new state-of-the-art ambulances into service. They are not the ambulance you remember from your childhood. Today’s ambulances are mini-rolling emergency rooms with the medical means to keep you alive. They are not inexpensive to operate. They cost money. The ambulances are staffed with paramedics and maintained and operated by the VPSD. And as such, are under the new Independent Fire District.

Page 1, bullet point #2: The article states, “Nothing new will be added.”   

One new significant addition will be the appointed Fire Board of Commissioners, caring for all the business of the VPSD rather than leaving those decisions to the overworked county commissioners. In addition, it would be a huge plus to have Village residents making decisions for all Villagers.

“and nothing will be lost.”

Secondly, if the November 8 vote fails, it will be necessary to return the VPSD control to the county commissioners, which we successfully fought to eliminate last year. And it is essential to note that the ambulance transportation fees charged in the new district would then go into the county funds, not the VPSD. By having an independent district, 100 percent of the transport fees will remain within the Villages, lowering the annual operating budget.

Page 2, “Special legislation was quickly created.”

Again, no POA research. There are already 54 Independent Fire Districts in existence in Florida. In 2005, the Florida State Senate passed extensive operation rules and regulations governing Independent Fire Districts by creating Chapter 191. In 2018 the Senate updated the Statutes.


Therefore, if the referendum passes on November 8, our new Fire Commission Board and the VPSD are mandated to adhere to the Chapter 191 Rules and Regulations. Your Chapter 191 review will answer many of your questions. And notably, the state’s two largest departments, Jacksonville and Miami-Dade, are part of the 54 Independent Fire Districts.

The VPSD has created a FAQ page, You Decide,


regarding the operation of the new district that will also answer many of your questions.

Lastly, we are fortunate that Chief Cain is one of the few fire chiefs in the United States who is also a paramedic. As a result, the Chief understands the medical needs of our community.

PS I post my position with all due respect to my brother firefighter and chief from New York.

Bill Koenig is a resident of the Village of Buttonwood retired from the San Francisco Fire Department.

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