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The Villages
Saturday, September 28, 2024

Letters to the Editor have my hair on fire!

To the Editor:

After reading the latest two letters (one bashing DeSantis and one exonerating Biden) my hair (what’s left of it) caught fire. Florida was within 2 points of electing the Democrat who ran against DeSantis. How would that have worked out? Biden “got elected.” How has that worked out? Bless Biden’s heart. He means well (I think), but he has messed us up royally. If he manages to write off the Student Loan debt, he will buy their votes, but lose every poor schmuck’s vote who had to work because they couldn’t afford to go to college. The reason a number of people went to college was they were estimated to earn $500,000 – $1 million more in their lifetime than the great unwashed would earn. C’mon man, pay your debt and give the working stiffs a break.

Dick Jones
Village of Pennecamp


Do you support Trump?

In a Letter to the Editor, a Village of Hadley resident wants Trump supporters to know what it is they are standing for.

Blatant misuse of Medicare communications

A Village of DeLuna resident cries foul and contends that government resources are being unfairly used to prop up the campaign of Kamala Harris.

National Security Council members say Trump unfit to serve

A Village of Hadley resident warns that members of the National Security Council have warmed the Trump is unfit to serve as president.

Let’s make sure Trump wins in The Villages!

A Village of St. Johns resident says that Villagers can’t allow Blue Staters to cut into Trump’s support here in Florida’s Friendliest Hometown. Read his Letter to the Editor.

Who’s to blame for high food prices?

A Village of St. Charles resident offers some thoughts about the reasons for climbing food prices. Read her Letter to the Editor.