To the Editor:
The letter from Jerry Ragan about past President Trump will go down as a classic.
In a moment of self described “clarity” he still believes that President Trump was a Putin advocate. To explain his “ clarity” he provided us his idea of proof of his assertion.
We know that the multi million dollar Mueller Report could find no Trump-Putin collusion but Mr. Ragan’s moment of “clarity” came to a different conclusion.
Ragan refers to President Trump’s suggestion that Russia find the missing Clinton emails as proof of his assertion. Clear thinking people knew that was a joke President Trump made off the cuff. Apparently Mr. Ragan believes that a public joke is an act of Russian collusion.
Mr. Ragan asserts that President Trump’s consideration that he might put a one of his hotels in Russia was another example of a Trump-Putin collusion. Mr. Ragan, here’s some more information for your moment of clarity. President Trump is a successful businessman who owns property all over the world. Was he “colluding “ at other locations as well?
Mr. Ragan’s moment of clarity is simply a demonstration of Trump Derangement Syndrome and that’s the true moment of clarity.
Larry Moran
Village of Mallory Square