92.4 F
The Villages
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Red Sox Nation celebrates Big Papi’s call to the Hall of Fame

Red Sox Nation celebrated the recent selection of David Ortiz to the Baseball Hall of Fame during the group’s monthly meeting last week at SeaBreeze Recreation Center. “Big Papi,” a first baseman and designated hitter with the Sox from 2003 through 2016, was elected last month on his first ballot.

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Red Sox Nation members had their photos taken “in front of Fenway Park” while wearing David Ortiz attire.
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Red Sox Nation celebrated the recent selection of David Ortiz to the Baseball Hall of Fame during the group’s monthly meeting last week at SeaBreeze Recreation Center.

Members had their photos taken “in front of Fenway Park” while wearing Ortiz attire, and a raffle was held with winners receiving autographed pictures of Big Papi.

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Rod Ross

The evening began with a “Hot Stove Panel” of Rod Ross, Len Hathaway, Pete Smith and Bill Talbot relating stories of their collective baseball knowledge. Rod Ross announced his retirement from emceeing and received a standing ovation for his memorable interviews since the club’s inception. The members certainly appreciated all his efforts.

Members also enjoyed the music of Denny Diamond with his Neil Diamond Tribute, including “Sweet Caroline” and some other oldies but goodies.

Upcoming events include a new member meetup on March 15 at Rohan Rec Center and a St. Paddy’s Day party on March 17 at SeaBreeze Rec Center.

For more information about Red Sox Nation in The Villages, visit the group’s website.

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