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The Villages
Monday, September 23, 2024

Webster co-sponsors bill aimed at protecting Olympic athletes  

Congressman Daniel Webster is co-sponsoring the Genocide Games Act which would impose sanctions on International Olympic officials if athletes, fans, or other participants at the 2022 Winter Olympics are detained, disappeared, or otherwise deprived of their freedom of speech or other internationally recognized human rights by the Chinese Communist Party.

The Republican who represents The Villages in the U.S. House of Representatives has charged that IOC and officials, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have actively discouraged athletes from speaking out about CCP human rights violations throughout the games. Webster said his bill uses the leverage of powerful sanctions to ensure the IOC pays a steep price if they fail to protect any participant in the Olympic games.

“Speaker Pelosi’s warning to U.S. athletes to stay silent to avoid the wrath of the Chinese government ‘because they are ruthless’ is an embarrassing abdication of leadership,” said Webster. “Any attempt by the Chinese government to stifle free speech or intimidate our athletes should be addressed and condemned by U.S. leaders, regardless of party. Instead of discouraging athletes from vocally defending human rights, Speaker Pelosi should bring this bill up for a vote to send a clear message to the CCP and hold the IOC accountable.”

Ahead of the games, Webster called on the International Olympic Committee to remove the Olympics from Beijing, cosponsored legislation in favor of boycotting the games and wrote President Biden requesting information on steps being taken to protect U.S. athletes.

Who’s the real clown here?

In a Letter to the Editor, a Village of Tamarind Grove resident defends the possibility of voting for Bozo the Clown, when you look at the other side of the ballot.

What happens when ‘educated individuals’ can’t pay off college loans?

A Village of Pennecamp resident wonders about the value of a college degree when many of those with diplomas cannot pay off their student loans.

I have a few questions for Democrats

A Village of Alhambra resident has a few questions for Democrats. Read his Letter to the Editor.

Bozo the Clown letter was completely unnecessary

A reader from the Village of Lake Denham contends the letter writer who claimed Republicans would support Bozo the Clown needs to get a life.

Maybe the problem is rude drivers in The Villages

An Ocala resident, in a Letter to the Editor, looks at the problems with parking and roundabouts and suggests that maybe it’s due to the Villagers who are at the wheel.