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The Villages
Monday, September 23, 2024

An Ode to My Wife

Barry Evans
Barry Evans

Well, Christmas is almost here.  Christmas is a great time for family matters.  It makes you think about them and how much they mean to you.  We are all subject to the same type of thoughts about those we cherish.  It is not just a matter of giving – or receiving, although both can give great pleasure. Now the Evans family has a great background of good forefathers.  However, when you deal with those who are with us, I must give credit to my good wife of many years.  Without her, there would be no sons, a daughter, grandkids, daughters-in-laws and so forth.  Therefore, there is no doubt that my ode to her should follow below – even though I am not a great ode writer, but I can adapt.  However, that is OK as I don’t know about you, but I don’t know many people who write odes.  Perhaps, they did in the old days, but not so much now.

An Ode to My Wife

Said Barry R. Evans unto his proud Papa:

“I want to take a wife my pop” Papa laughed “Ha Ha”

And whose, my son” he slyly said, but I with a frown,

Cried: “My Pop, I mean – – to wed.  I want to settle down”

My father responded with a smile;

“You’re young, my boy; I much prefer that you wait awhile.”

But I sighed: “I cannot wait, for I am twenty-four;

And I have met my wonderful fate:  I worship, I adore.

Such beauty, grace and charm has she, I am sure you will approve,

For if I live a century none other can I love.”

“I have no doubt”, my father shrugged, “that she’s a proper gal;

But is she one who can also be a pal?”

When her name I stated, he said, “Ho, of her all are fond,

For everyone knows that there is none better than,

The Blond!”

Now I recognize that many of my friends will be ticked off at me.  They will complain that since I have put in print an ode to The Blond in the House their wives will want one.  Frankly, that is fine with me as I think there should be more odes floating around. If they think hard, I am certain they will come up with a nice ode to their wives.  At the very least they can google odes and find one that they can use with a little craftmanship. I also believe that there is practicality in writing a wife ode.  If the lovely wife does not appreciate the vacuum cleaner, which had the nice bow on it, she will melt that she has her own ode and all will be well!

Everyone deserves a good harmonious Christmas!

Columnist Barry Evans is a Villager.

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