To the Editor:
I read the comments of one of Lady Lake’s commissioners expressing frustration about the limitations of dealing with The Villages. How about those of us who have been asking for help that is within the commissioners’ control?
We need traffic enforcement in The Villages portion of Lady Lake. We make up three of the five wards within the town of Lady Lake. We get our water and sewer provided by The Villages. We pay for our garbage service on our property tax bill. So, aside from occasional clean up after a storm or scheduled road maintenance, what do we get for the three fifths of the budget we provide? Not traffic enforcement, that’s for sure!
I really thought things would improve when we got a new town manager who had been a police chief (I think). Maybe he would have some interest in visiting our streets to witness for himself the complaints that have been ongoing for many years.
We are all older drivers. We have pedestrians, golf carts, bicycles, and even motorized scooters on our streets as we don’t have multi-modal paths or sidewalks. We need stop signs at the El Cortez gate for the speeders on Avenida Central. We need stop signs at Chula Vista Recreation Center, north and south on Rio Grande Avenue. Chula Vista Avenue has a blinking sign to remind drivers the speed limit is 25 mph and “Speed Limit Strictly Enforced,” signs to alert drivers to slow down. But, with five times the traffic on Rio Grande Avenue we have none of that. Yet all the traffic entering The Villages at the El Cortez Gate travels Rio Grande Avenue. Help!
Time to actually issue a traffic ticket for speeding or reckless driving by cars and golf carts. Send a message, add the signs and warning lights! Enough is enough! Two people died on Avenida Central earlier this year. The only answer is enforcement. Please speak up if you agree! My two cents.
Robert Nyce
Village of El Cortez