85.2 F
The Villages
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Dave Chapelle hurt someone’s feelings

To the Editor:

First off, Mr. Chappelle is a comedian. He tells jokes. He makes fun of things and people. That is what he does. Granted, some people disagree with his comments and that is their right. But their right not to be offended does not supersede his right to voice his thoughts. It would be impossible to say something that would not offend someone, somewhere. A comedian says what they think will strike a note with some or many in their audience. Quite often, the mere mention of some practices in business, or in life, will be humorous when discussed. Some may be offended. That is called life. Some people need to get one.

Joseph Kibitlewski, PhD.
Spruce Creek South



Biblical Justice

A Village of Pine Hills resident responds to a previous letter writer who delved into the controversial topics of CRT and DEI.

New roundabout on Rolling Acres Road is dangerous

A Lady Lake resident contends the new roundabout on Rolling Acres Road is dangerous. Read his Letter to the Editor.

The rules are the rules when it comes to kids in The Villages

A Village of Caroline resident is unhappy about children living in The Villages. She points out that was not part of her retirement dream.

Maybe mother and children had to move in due to financial reasons

A Village of Rio Grande resident can’t figure out why Linden residents are so upset about grandchildren living in their neighborhood.

The Developer is too busy selling houses to care about enforcement

A Village of Poinciana resident, in a Letter to the Editor, argues the Developer is too concerned with selling houses and doesn’t have time to worry about enforcement of the rules.