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The Villages
Friday, January 3, 2025

More BS and misinformation from the Daily Sun

To the Editor:

And here we go again. More BS and misinformation from the Daily Sun, but now it’s being labeled as “facts.”
One of their very first “facts” is that the developer is not getting a sweetheart deal on impact fees, which kind of gives you an idea of the credibility of the other “facts” to follow.
Not mentioned is the fact that we are being asked to pay $3,500 over 10 years for roads and infrastructure that we may seldom use.  If you multiply that times 35,000 homes, (I believe there are more), that equals $122 million. This is $122,000,000 that could be spent on local goods and services.  Where are the facts on this? How does this NOT hurt our local businesses, the ones that are whining and crying over higher impact fees? Why is it better to give this money to the Developer and the county for things we may never use?
But these journalists have been “nationally recognized.” I guess that makes them professionals. These are the professionals that continually refer to Commissioner Miller as a “failed” candidate. How “unprofessional”, unethical, and just plain sleazy, in my opinion. Can you imagine if the “real” press in America labeled candidates who fought hard for public office and were unsuccessful, as failures. I wonder how many people would want to seek public office.
Why do they continue to compare us to other counties. Every single county is different in the way they assess taxes and fees. They state as facts that the way a certain county does or does not do something, there is a direct correlation to Sumter County. You would have to look at every detail of assessments, fees, population and population growth, income, property values, etc. etc. It’s not only unprofessional and misleading to make these comparisons, it’s just plain stupid.  So stop it. How about we concentrate on Sumter County and the impact of these taxes and fees on us?
These professionals claim they are not one sided. Yet they only seek out those businesses, citizens, and politicians that support their views. They claim that Commissioners Miller and Search would not submit to interviews with no conditions. Golly, I wonder why.I’m sure they would be treated fairly. I’m sure they won’t be labeled failures, unqualified, or having “knee-jerk” reactions.  How about interviewing some of the citizens that are being subjected to taxation without representation paying $3,500 to continue mega-million dollar profits and for things we don’t use?  But they claim “Our reporting is not one sided” not us, well OK maybe just the last 25 years.
Speaking of representation, I think we all thought Brett Hage was our “representative.” Turns out to be another politician bought and paid for in my opinion. He is the co-sponsor of a Florida House bill that would limit annual impact fee increases to 3 percent, taking effect in July. Talk about Merry Christmas, Mr. Developer. Funny, they are now backtracking on his involvement.  No, No, not the sponsor, just a co-sponsor, a minor player. Sorry, too late. So much for that political career.  And of course the Daily Sun’s reaction to the new commissioners being blindsided by this bill and moving up a vote to this March instead of July:  They flip-flopped and rendered a knee-jerk reaction. Wow!  I guess they can’t even see how ridiculous that sounds.
Then the fact that those poor people who work in The Villages, who want to buy a home near here could not afford an additional $4,000.  (It’s very unlikely it would be that high.) Even if it is that high, do you know what an extra $4,000 adds to a 30 year mortgage?  $17/month.  Wow, who can afford that?  Yet I’m being asked to pay an additional $350/year. Did I suddenly adopt one of these workers?
If given a chance to speak and the parking lot is not jammed with T&D cement trucks, these are the questions I will ask on March 23:
1. Why is it OK to ask me to pay an additional $3,500 over 10 years for things I won’t use, but not OK to ask a new homebuyer to pay an additional $1,500 for things they will always use?
2. How does taking $122,000,000 in spending power out of the local economy not hurt local business, but raising the impact fee will?

Luke Courtemanche
Haciendas of Mission Hills

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