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The Villages
Saturday, September 28, 2024

Daily Sun took away crossword puzzle after eliminating TV guide

To the Editor:

My husband and I look forward to Sunday’s edition of The Villages Daily Sun. We enjoy relaxing with the two crosswords in the paper and sudoku. With COVID running amok these puzzles keep us sharp. First we lost the TV guide and now the extra puzzle on the last page of Lifestyle. I have seen letters to the editor on this subject and never received any answers. I am tired of getting things taken away from us. I did call the paper and complained and was given a poo-poo excuse. Please bring back our puzzles.

Deborah Pawlicki
Village of Santiago

Golf courses need better maintenance

A Village of Orange Blossom Hills resident contends that golf courses in The Villages need better maintenance.

So now we won’t have gate attendants during overnight hours?

A Village of LaBelle resident objects to a plan to eliminate overnight gate attendants in The Villages.

You are supporting Satan’s agenda

In a Letter to the Editor, a Village of Hadley resident suggests that there are voters who are supporting Satan’s agenda.

Do you support Trump?

In a Letter to the Editor, a Village of Hadley resident wants Trump supporters to know what it is they are standing for.

Blatant misuse of Medicare communications

A Village of DeLuna resident cries foul and contends that government resources are being unfairly used to prop up the campaign of Kamala Harris.