To the Editor:
The article and video that has come out showing the Trump Rally fiasco with the woman shouting ” F” this and “F” that and “F” you, and the guy who got hot-headed that yelled “White Power” has made the national news. (He may not even really FEEL that way and said it just to irk the foul-mouthed, out-of-control person.)
It started out because YOU at decided to publicize it. Has your thirst for controversy, upsetting people so YOU would get noticed and stirring up the kettle more in regard to racial tensions that don’t NEED more stirring up in our country taken over common decency and common sense? You’re always going to get a few radicals with politics. But racial tensions? Really? Do you believe that Trump totally realized the implications shed on us here due to the video since he has a big backing in The Villages?
I haven’t noticed racial tensions in The Villages. I know there’s an African-American Club and other ethnicities clubs for anyone who chooses to belong to them. And I know several people who are minorities. They are lovely people enjoying life, with some volunteering and teaching here in The Villages. Right after this article/video came out, there was a comment in Talk of The Villages about lack of diversity here in The Villages. So what? As far as I personally know, anyone wishing to buy in The Villages has not been discouraged to do so because of ethnicity or skin color. I don’t believe anyone is trying to stop diversity. Now the person claiming the numbers aren’t “good enough” says that THE VILLAGES should “reach out and try to bring in more diversity” for work positions, etc. Now you’ve REALLY caused a problem.
I am against all of the labeling in our country and don’t see a way out of any racial tensions at any time until we all start just referring to ourselves as Americans .. giving no preferential treatment to ANYone because of skin color or ethnicity. So are some people going to start putting pressure on The Villages to start diversity programs and practices. I hope The Villages does not even enter into CONSIDERING any steps like that. Stay out of the mess! If I were the spokesperson, I’d just say that houses (with their 55+ percentage status) and positions are open to anyone. END OF STORY!
I am sorry you released the video. We are now in the Nation’s Eye, and not portrayed very favorably. I hope you think harder next time something like this comes up and act more responsibly.
One last thing. When I was brought up, my parents taught us that my space stops where someone else’s starts. That is such a foreign concept in our society today. So many people think they have the right to say and do whatever they want to. If there are going to be such awful displays and interactions between people doing a parade and people protesting, then maybe there should be someone representing THE VILLAGES to STOP them. There should be rules that are followed.
Writing this and finding the right words has taken me away from a very nice evening here in The Villages. You probably won’t print what I’ve written, but I hope my words make a difference.
Priscilla Maday
Village of Briar Meadow
P.S. I should have added that I’m not against the many programs that help any citizen live, get help achieving in education or get back on their feet. Necessity should be the determining factor; not ethnicity or color of skin.