What is a stable genius?
According to Google, it’s someone who is steady, committed, balanced – and of course – a genius. Many great leaders and scientists meet those qualities. But when you also include attributes such as innovator, businessman, patriot, and someone who actually keeps promises … well then you’re talking about President Trump.
Yes, Trump did admit that he was a stable genius, but he was just being modest. A person needs much more than just stability to accomplish Trumps many achievements. Who’d ever think a brash outsider could fight and win against the immense influence of the Republican ruling elite and become the RNC nominee for 2016. Who’d ever think a non-politically-correct, non-politician could fight and win against the highly-sophisticated, mass-media-supported Hillary attack engine to easily win the presidency. No one did — and that’s a testament to his superior genius.
Trump understands and envisions concepts and events way before others. For example, even though not a trained scientist, Trump easily understands that the “man-made” global-warming movement is a hoax. The data just doesn’t support that claim. On other hand, there is evidence showing how carbon dioxide (CO2) is contributing to global cooling – but of course that data is never discussed by the media.
For a more recent example, there are the environmental vulnerabilities of the COVID-19 Virus. Weeks before government scientists concluded that this virus dies faster under increasing levels of heat, humidity, and sunlight, President Trump hypothesized the same. The media pooh-poohed him, but Trump’s genius prevailed.
Although there are numerous other examples of Trump’s genius, the fact that he was the only one on the COVID-19 Task Force to first suggest closing the border to China was absolutely brilliant. That is obvious to everyone.
In conclusion, the phrase “stable genius” barely describes President Trump’s leadership and intellectual talents. There is no doubt that Trump’s problem-solving wisdom and experience were decisive in minimizing the evil effects of the virus outbreak by strategically mobilizing the joint efforts of government and private industry. Whether it’s fighting global pandemics or the environmental fanatics of the Green New Deal, you don’t have to be a genius to see the strength of Trump’s unwavering stamina and leadership in his promise to keep American safe and strong.
So now please excuse me, as it’s time for my wife and I to go outside for our daily walk in the Florida sun and warm air. Remember … enjoy global warming while it lasts, because the alternative is not as healthy.
Villager John Shewchuk is a frequent contributor to Villages-News.com