To the Editor:
As we all find out very early in our move to The Villages, it’s not a gated community but a community with gates, whose only purpose seems to be to slow traffic.
The red bottoms at these gates that are used hundreds of times a day probably haven’t been wiped in who knows when. Most of us have gate passes that eliminates touching these dirty buttons, but there are those hundreds of workers, coming from all over central Florida on a daily basis, and possibly leaving COVID-19 on any one of them, leaving an unsuspecting elderly Villager at risk for this contagion. Now we got a problem.
Every Villager who doesn’t have a gate pass should use the visitor lane and have the attendant open the gate. If your daily trek takes you through an unmanned gate crossing, I suggest you keep handy a towel of some sort to us to push those scummy little red buttons. Stay safe.
Katie Schnessel
Village of Polo Ridge