79.4 F
The Villages
Friday, June 28, 2024

Villager Ed McGinty offers an apology

To the Editor:

As a resident of The Villages for four years, I should be allowed on all Village property as long as I am not damaging it. I have a Constitutional right to free speech.  I am sorry if my protesting is bothering some of you. Every time I turn on the TV and see this filthy, immoral, disgrace of a so called human being, on the set I am bothered. If any of you feel any of my signs are not truthful, come up to me peacefully (not my wife), and I guarantee you I have very legitimate reasons for every word.
I was blessed with a Down Syndrome sister, I witnessed growing up, other children mocking her stuttering her words. When Trump mocked the reporter with some disability, during the election, I just wished I could have five minutes alone with him.
This is the kind of leader you voted for. Shame on you.

Ed McGinty
Village of Hadley

U.S. Sen. Rick Scott is a hypocrite

A Village of Belle Aire resident is tired of boasting by U.S. Sen. Rick Scott about his protecting IVF.

We bought here because it was a retirement community

A Village of Pennecamp resident says she bought into a retirement community and the Developer needs to stand by his responsibility. Read her Letter to the Editor.

Hammock Oaks development touting access to golf courses in The Villages

A Village of Belle Aire resident would like to know why the Hammock Oaks development is touting access to golf courses in The Villages.

Biblical Justice

A Village of Pine Hills resident responds to a previous letter writer who delved into the controversial topics of CRT and DEI.

New roundabout on Rolling Acres Road is dangerous

A Lady Lake resident contends the new roundabout on Rolling Acres Road is dangerous. Read his Letter to the Editor.