To the Editor:
This year I have seen an unusual amount of litter mostly along the multi-modal paths.
This points out the sad fact that it is the residents of The Villages and not the workers that frequently drive through, or any other auto. I can only suggest that the residents bring a plastic bag and safely pull over to police the area. We are all responsible for a litter-free environment.
A few years ago a golfing buddy was visiting us and while I was driving to the golf cart he asked me to stop in a commanding way. I thought he had some problem, but it wasn’t him but some litter along the multi-modal path. He jumped out and picked up the litter. Everything in The Villages was so neat he was bugged by the unsightly litter. This commendable act from a non-resident should put all litterbugs to shame. PLEASE, keep The Villages litter free!
Robert Clark
Village of Duval