We decided to remove our old email signup system and introduce a new, easier way to subscribe to our Premium Email Newsletter.
The new process is a single checkout page, with no complicated account setup required.
Click here to check it out and purchase or renew your subscription.
You’ll be asked to enter your name, email, create a password, and submit payment.
That’s it.
You’ll start receiving our Premium Email Newsletter every day at 5:30 a.m. after that.
Don’t worry if you signed up with our old system: Your subscription records will be transferred over without any further action on your part.
As a premium email newsletter subscriber, you are one of our most loyal readers.
Your contribution helped us hire an additional editor in The Villages.
Your contribution helps us cover CDD meetings, local city council commissions, and all of the important events in The Villages that make this community Florida’s Friendliest Hometown.
We genuinely appreciate your support and could not operate Villages-News.com without you, your readership, or your subscription.
From our families to yours, we hope you are enjoying a Happy Holidays and have a safe and Happy New Year.
Jeremiah Delgado and Meta Minton
Co-Owners, Villages-News.com