59.5 F
The Villages
Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Bless Fruitland Park treats city employees to holiday meal

More than 100 Fruitland Park city employees, city officials and business leaders were treated to lunch Thursday at Heritage Community Church by Bless Fruitland Park.

“We’re here to gather for fellowship and celebrate the Christmas season,” said Pastor Sidney Brock, a driving force behind Bless Fruitland Park, an effort focused on improving lives in the community.

Recreation Director Michelle Yoder, City Manager Gary La Venia, Pastor Sidney Brock and Police Chief Erik Luce, from left, at Thursday’s luncheon.

Police officers, public works employees, firefighters and city commissioners were among those who lined up to feast on fried chicken, mashed potatoes and salad.

Brock said the event was aimed at celebrating the good work city employees do every day, making the community a better place to live.    

The luncheon was held Thursday at Heritage Community Church in Fruitland Park.

Recently, Bless Fruitland Park presented a $16,366 check to Fruitland Park Elementary. While efforts are focused on the school, it is believed that by helping the children, good will spread throughout the community, Brock said.

President Trump will return America to days of common sense

A Village of Dunedin resident, in a Letter to the Editor, says he believes President Trump will return America to the days of common sense.

New multi-modal paths on North Morse Boulevard not the solution

In a Letter to the Editor, a Village of Tall Trees resident says that multi-modal paths won’t solve the problems on North Morse Boulevard.

Aging drivers – not speed – might be the problem

A Village of Fernandina resident says that research suggests that aging drivers, and not speed, may be the cause of accidents in The Villages. Read his Letter to the Editor.

An easy and cheap solution to improve safety on Morse Boulevard

A Village of Hacienda South resident, whose birdcage overlooks Morse Boulevard, proposes a cheap easy solution to improve safety on Morse Boulevard.

A few questions about Donald Trump

In response to a previous letter writer, a Village of Palo Alto resident has a few questions about Donald Tump.