A car with expired Idaho license plates has been sitting for about three weeks in a villa community in The Villages with a long history of parking problems.
The white Nissan Maxima SE has become a fixture in the parking lot in the Jasper Villas.
Community Development District 5 Supervisor Walter Martin is a resident of the Jasper Villas and frequently has complained about parking there. Last year, CDD 5 voted to put up informational signs in an attempt to dissuade owners from using the parking spots intended for use by guests. Unfortunately, some conclude that the signs really don’t have any enforcement power behind them and the owners of unwanted vehicles dump their cars there.
In 2017, a car with expired California license plates sat for more than six months at the Jasper Villas.
Jasper Villas residents are not alone in their frustration with such problems.
Earlier this year, a vehicle with Wisconsin license plates, was left sitting in the guest parking at the Rio Grande Villas.
In 2017, Community Development District 3 struggled over a dead man’s car left at the St. Simons Villas.