Police were called about a persistent trespasser who was invited in to drink beer at a home in The Villages.
An officer responded at about 10:30 p.m. Sunday to a home at 1712 Myrtle Beach Drive on the Historic Side of The Villages where a woman initially claimed 56-year-old Douglass Hersh “just barged in,” according to an incident report from the Lady Lake Police Department.
The woman said she was concerned for the safety of Hersh, who she described as “very drunk.” Hersh’s shoes, hat, cigarettes, lighter and jacket were found on the front screened-in porch of the home.
The woman making the report to police was “visibly intoxicated” and appeared to have shared an 18-pack of beer with Hersh, who has been repeatedly trespassed from the property. He was arrested at the home this past December.
The woman admitted she knew Hersh had been banned from the home, but she was allowing him to stay there “as long as he didn’t get drunk” and argue with her, the report said.
The officer contacted the woman’s parents and informed them she had been allowing Hersh to stay at the home. They said they did not know that and their daughter had not informed them. It was the parents who had requested the trespass order.