The Villages Republican Club met Thursday at Savannah Center for its monthly meeting. Several local office holders were present, including Sumter County Commissioners Al Butler and Doug Gilpin.
The main speaker for the meeting was Villages Vice President of Community Relations Gary Lester, who had just returned from Tallahassee, where he attended the inauguration of Gov. Ron DeSantis. Lester then traveled to Washington D.C. where he attended the swearing in of Florida’s new senator, Rick Scott. Lester spoke at length about the importance of Villagers getting out to vote in the 2020 election. He stressed the importance of Republicans regaining control of the House of Representatives and getting President Trump re-elected.
Lester said that as “more extreme far left Democrats” who are “pushing a Socialist agenda get elected to office,” Villagers need to ensure that their voices are heard.
The next scheduled meeting for The Villages Republican Club is 7 p.m. March 14 at Savannah Center. The meeting is open to all Republicans and like-minded conservatives.