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The Villages
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Vietnam vet objects to ‘Dixie’ being performed at ceremony at Veterans Memorial Park

To the Editor:

As a Vietnam combat veteran (1st Air Cav/1969-1970) I was proud and pleased to attend the Veterans Day ceremony, with one exception.
It was a poor decision to include, ” The American Trilogy ” song made popular by Elvis Presley. Why anyone would think that “Dixie” is an appropriate song for this ceremony escapes my comprehension. Let’s all agree that the Union victory saved our country. Let’s let go of the misguided sentiment that the rebel cause was about states’ rights. The Dixie cause supported slavery, plain and simple and is inappropriately included in a Veterans Day solemn ceremony.

Jim Petullo
Village of Hacienda North

Grateful for striping on multi-modal path

A Village of Tamarind Grove resident says she is grateful for striping on the multi-modal path in Community Development District 4.

Jennifer Parr’s $21 million dollar home!

In a Letter to the Editor, a Village of Lake Deaton resident weighs in on news of the purchase of a $21 million beach home by Vice President of The Villages Jennifer Parr.

Our governor is at it again

A Village of DeLuna resident, in a Letter to the Editor, is critical of recent actions by Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Amount of insurance not based on market value of house

A Villager who worked for 30 years as an insurance agent broker offers a little education on how homeowner’s insurance is calculated.

Residents could benefit as retention pond levels are reduced

A Village of St. James resident, in a Letter to the Editor, has an idea in which residents could benefit as the retention pond levels are reduced.