Not much to report this week that you haven’t already heard. The House was set to consider the annual Energy and Water Appropriations bill, but between increased spending levels over last year and a poison pill amendment successfully inserted by a House Democrat, the bill went down in flames (112-305). It’s unclear whether or not the Appropriations Committee will make the necessary changes and try again. It’s probably just as likely that they give up on the rest of the individual appropriations bills and instead roll all of them into a giant package once again. I’m not sure how many times over the last five years I’ve had to write you all lamenting these massive single spending bills, but it’s far too many. It’s a sorry way to do business, but it’s the status quo/path of least resistance in D.C. Hopefully it will change for the better next year.
In the meantime, I just want to take a moment to recognize what Memorial Day means for this nation. For many people it’s the beginning of summer. A trip to the beach. Some hot dogs on the grill. For military families though, especially those who have lost a loved one, it is a solemn occasion as well. It’s a time when we recognize and memorialize those who have fallen. So if you know a family who has lost somebody in service to this nation or even if you only find a quiet moment by yourself, please keep those soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines in mind. Bow a head and remember that our military is an all-volunteer force and that it isn’t just those individuals who wear the uniform who sacrifice for us. It’s their children, their spouses, their parents, their siblings and their friends as well.
Thank you all again and have a safe and restful Memorial Day weekend.
Congressman Rich Nugent represents The Villages in the U.S. House of Representatives.